I really should have noted this at the beginning of the month, but oh well - it's still July. This month marks my one-year anniversary of "serious" blogging. As you can tell from the "Archives" links to the left, this blog goes back to May of 2003, but before July 2005 I was very sporadic and lazy about it. In fact, I didn't post at all the previous month, June of 2005. That was typical. But one year ago this month, I decided to make blogging an intentional practice, and try to blog at least once a week. Since then, it's become a springboard for online community like I never would have dreamed. Blogging, and reading and commenting on others' blogs, connects me with close "real world" friends I see weekly as well as with with folks I've never met in person who live as far away as Canada, South Africa, and Malaysia. It's cool, boys and girls!
So, happy blogiversary to me. It's also my birthday (for a few more minutes). It was a good, full day - typical of my days of late. Ministry, worship, fellowship, serving the local community, feeding pets, paying bills, doing laundry, learning about the trials and travails of mutant superheros. My life is good. Tomorrow I have to go to the job I get paid to do, which will be less good, but still nothing to complain about. Thanks, God. I don't deserve it.
Nobody does theology so rudely, or so well.
Happy Blogiversary!!
Hey, how did we manage to hang out with you all afternoon and not know it was your birthday??? That's terrible! We could have at least stuck a match in a cookie and had you blow it out.
Well, I'm glad you had a good one, even if it went unobserved by the rest of us. Happy Birthday and and Happy Blogiversary!
Happy belated! I know I will never forget your birthday now that I know when it is.. it's the same day as my grandmother's.
It's funny, i started blogging about faith regularly in July of 2005 too. and this also marks the 5 year anniversary of my deviathan journal, i think--although i didn't start using it til Sept. 10, 2001. How inauspicious...
at any rate, I'm still planning to come visit you (and susan) at HC soon.
congrats! I made a commitment like that not too long ago either and have done jack squat about it. blessings as you continue to scour the blogosphere in the name of Jesus.
Well ... not only did I miss it, but I missed it by a whole week. Wow ... I did it right!!
Happy birthday and blogiversary all in one.
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