17 July 2011

More resources along the way toward becoming an ally

Well, if you've been reading my blog (that is, on those rather rare occasions when there's been something to read), you probably saw a couple of recent posts where I referred to my intention - laid within me, egg-like, by a certain Wild Goose - to open myself to being formed as an ally for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer-identified (LGBTQ) folks, especially within the Church.

I said I wanted to use this blog as a place to record helpful resources, and thanks to some awesome folks I met at the Goose, especially Anarchist Reverend and Brian Gerald Murphy (there are a couple of awesome bloggy resources right there - check out, for example, Brian's post A Call for a Queer Theology), I have a bunch of items worth recording.  So here they are:

First of all, a couple of items written for white allies confronting racism (their own, and others') which are excellent and helpful:
Next, a couple of community projects:
  • Sanctuary Collective - they're currently rebooting their online presence, but you can check out their excellent collection of YouTube videos
  • The Gay Christian Network - if you're a Christian who's interested in formation as an LGBTQ ally, I highly recommend joining.  It's an incredibly welcoming community, and I'm pretty hopeful about the potential for forming friendships with folks there
Finally, a couple of extremely helpful documents for straight and cisgender aspiring allies of LGBTQ folks:
OK, one more.  Katie's post on Safe Space is incredibly insightful.  It might merit a blog post of its own from me (well, it merits a lot more than that, but I may or may not get around to a blog post), but I wanted to list it here.  Check out Katie's blog.  You'll be glad you did.

That's all for now.  You got more good stuff for me?  Please share! Peace!

photo by abeams (rights) // kittehs can be allies too!

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