My Dad, Tom Croghan, passed away one year ago today.
I'm deeply, deeply grateful to have been raised in the love and wisdom and care and example of this remarkable, constantly generous, selflessly powerful man.
Here's what I said about him last year.
Thank you, Dad. I love you and miss you.
Simply beautiful, Mike.
Thanks, Mike. Love and prayers at what must be a good but disturbing time, as things fall into perspective. Love is strong as death...
Stronger, Alan! :-)
hey Mike, thanks for sharing this. I lost my dad 5 years ago, and like you, spoke at his funeral. It was an experience for which I am very grateful. I hope you continue to both grieve and celebrate your dad well.
Ohhh Crog, I don't have any words. I don't think I ever read your original post of the eulogy until just now. I'm a day late in reading this, but I'm also thanking God for your Dad because of how he's made you who you are. (hug)
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