08 April 2007

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

In liturgical churches (like, say, Anglican ones), it's common practice to avoid the use of "Hallelujah" (Praise the Lord!), at least liturgically, during Lent. I'm not sure if I followed that practice myself this year or not, but it's probably safe to say that God didn't receive an overflowing of Hallelujahs from me this Lenten season.

Well, Lent is over.

Hallelujah! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

Praise our amazing God for the amazing, unanticipated, impossible yet real reversal of Resurrection! Praise God for this day - the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Another "liturgical church" thing is that Easter isn't just a day - it's a season. The 50 days from now until Pentecost is Easter Season. So let's keep on living in joyous celebration of Resurrection through this season - and beyond. Maybe it's cliche, but we're Easter people. He is risen. He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!


spankey said...

amen and alleluia indeed!

thoughtsalongtheway said...

Mike, I LOVE this image!